
Sezione dedicata a mostre ed eventi organizzati segnalata dalla redazione di ANMS


Call for communication proposals - Provenienze delle collezioni delle scienze naturalistiche o umane

Call for communication proposals - Provenienze delle collezioni delle scienze naturalistiche o umane

Il Museo nazionale di Storia Naturale di Parigi sta organizzando un convegno dedicato alle provenienze delle collezioni delle scienze naturalistiche e umane.
L'evento si terrà al Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle di Parigi dal 1° al 3 ottobre 2025.

Diffondiamo la call for communication proposals (messaggio qui di seguito), aperta a partecipazioni internazionali per interventi in francese o in inglese.



Études de provenances des collections de sciences naturelles et humaines
Muséologie et histoire pour le temps présent
Colloque international
1-3 octobre 2025 Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (Paris)
Auditorium de la Grande Galerie de l’Évolution


Call for communication proposals 

Dear colleagues, 

Provenance studies have become essential in museum institutions, particularly in France, primarily through inquiries related to art and history collections.

In the case of natural and human sciences collections, they are still too often confused with a basic documentation process of the collections, or even regarded as the preliminary step of a restitution operation.

Contrary to this situation, the aim of this symposium is to question provenance research from a perspective that includes natural and human sciences collections. It will provide a first step in reflecting on the theoretical framework of provenance studies specific to naturalia and artificialia, the pathways and treatment of objects within museum and scientific institutions, and the current links between these objects, the places where they are conserved, and their original environments.

This symposium meeting aims to contribute to creating a space for awareness and dialogue between various stakeholders, whether they are scientists, historians, or museologists, museum or university professionals in the fields of natural and human sciences, collection managers, or lawyers.

This conference should also be an opportunity to highlight the latest work in museology and the material culture studies, and to inspire further research in these areas.

It seeks to initiate, through museology, a new research dynamic on natural and human sciences collections, opening up opportunities for national and international collaborations.

The symposium 'Provenance research of natural and human sciences collections - Museology and History for the Present Day" will take place from October 1 to 3, 2025, at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Auditorium of the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution). This conference is supported by the Department of Man and Environment at the Muséum and the Société des Amis du Muséum.

The call for communication proposals is available here: https://provenances.sciencesconf.org

Communication proposals will be accepted until April 15, 2025.

They should include a title, an abstract (French or English) of 3 000 characters including spaces, indicating the sources and methodological choices, the author(s) name(s), their titles, and institution affiliation(s).

Proposals should be sent to: provenances@sciencesconf.org